Mustafa Kemal Atatürk - (In English / İngilizce: Columbia Üniversitesi İnternet Sitesinden)

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

  • ATATÜRK: Creator of Modern Turkey 
    Topics: Atatürk's Life, National Liberator, Founder of the Republic, Legal Transformation, Social Reforms, Economic Growth, The New Language, Women's Rights, Strides in Education, Culture and the Arts, Peace at Home, Peace in the World, UNESCO, Resolution on the Atatürk Centennial. 
Atatürk in Pictures:
  • His Portrait
  • Another Portrait
  • Another Portrait
  • Another Portrait
  • Soldier Mustafa Kemal-1
  • Soldier Mustafa Kemal-2
  • President Mustafa Kemal
  • With a Child
  • With a Woman
  • With Some Turkish Women
  • Teaching The New Alphabet
  • Visiting a School
  • Reading a Book
  • On a trip in Izmir
  • On a Trip
  • Visiting a Factory
  • With Other Law Makers
  • With a Group of Foreign Officials
  • Accepting a Foreign Ambassador
  • In The Cover of Time Magazine
  • Unesco's Resolution on the 
    Atatürk Centennial
  • His Address to the Turkish Youth
  • His tomb - Anitkabir

  • Atatürk's Addresses/Speeches: 

    Other Atatürk Pages: 

    Back to Türkiye Home Pages                                         (Updated: May 7, 1997)
    These pages were originally published for Turkish Students Association web page (at http://www.columbia.edu/cu/tsa/ata/)

    📖 Hakas tarihi, gelenekleri ve Türk runik alfabesi

    Hakas Devlet Üniversitesi Tarih 1. sınıf öğrencileri için Sibirya Türklerinden Hakasların atalarının MÖ 7.yy'da inşa ettiği kurganların ...