10 Kasım- "Atatürk's Legacy: Transforming a Nation" /"Atatürk'ün Mirası: Bir Ülkeyi Yeniden Yaratmak"
Ataturk Society of America invites you to two ceremonies
in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, November 10, 2019
CEREMONY 1 ~ Pay Tribute to Atatürk
When: Sunday, November 10, 2019 8:45am
Where: By the Statue of Atatürk, Sheridan Circle,
Washington, DC
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CEREMONY 2 ~ A Celebration of Atatürk
When: Sunday, November 10, 2019 2:00pm-4:00pm
Where: American University, School of International Service
3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016
~ Statement from Atatürk Society of America
By Burak Şahin, President of ASA
~ Presentation: "Atatürk's Legacy: Transforming a Nation"
"Atatürk'ün Mirası: Bir Ülkeyi Yeniden Yaratmak"
Atatürk is the Turkish Republic.
Atatürk is revolution. Atatürk is reform.
Atatürk is science and reason.
Atatürk is education, Atatürk is innovation.
Atatürk is justice, freedom and equal rights.
Atatürk is peace at home and in the world.
Atatürk is transformation. To know Atatürk is to understand his legacy and the transforming power of his work, from his beginnings to his determination to free his nation from tyrants, traitors and invaders —enemies, foreign and domestic—, from recognizing the people’s sovereignty to each of the steps he took to create a republic from the ruins of a sunken empire. On November 10, we understand Atatürk's legacy and celebrate his greatest masterpiece.
~ Presentation will be in Turkish. ~
Refreshments will be served.
Free parking is available underneath the School of International Service building (3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW).
Alıntı: Ataturk Society of America
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